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Frequently Asked Questions

How safe are your products?

All our recipes have been approved by chemicals experts and every product has full traceability (#batch, ingredients list, safety sheets, certificate of analysis, declaration on the European portal for cosmetics...).

They are the following :
- the Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 on Cosmetics Products,

- the norm ISO 22716:2013 - Good manufacturing practice in cosmetics

Are your products biodegradable?

Yes, the finished soaps and lip balms contain 100% of natural ingredients, the soaps and their packaging are fully biodegradable. 

Any plastic material which might arrive inside your package has not been bought but is simply reused from previously private or business packages. This solution it is already better than brand new materials (of any types).


Is soap still natural if made with alkali?

Any genuine soap found in the market (solid or liquid) has been made using alkali. As long as the other ingredients are naturals, the soap is as the alkali is not present in the final product. It surely requires some precaution while preparing it, but our team is well trained to handle it with all security measures. In the final product, the alkali has completely disappeared and participate to the creation of glycerin and soap molecules.

Are your products sustainable?

"Sustainability" has the definition that producers adapt to their convenience (often a biased or limited global vision). We are using ingredients such as oils, butters, water, naturals dyes, clays, charcoal, essential oils for the conception of our products. They are all of natural origin and sourced from the closest Europeans suppliers (mostly Germany, Netherlands, and U.K.).

Keeping this in mind, babassu soaps does not claim anything else than our products are :

- made with a minimum and prime ingredients,

- using biological ingredients if the market offers this possibility (refers to our list of ingredients for more information)

- responsible of making your skin so soft :)

More about the sustainability concept here to understand more what has just been said! Also, we have conducted a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) comparing babassu soaps to alternative products here (work in progress!)

Key points for choosing products having less impacts on our planet :

1 - using already made materials (applies to our shipping policy and the soaps beveling remelted for our personal use)

2 - making sure the product you buy is recyclable itself or biodegradable (natural soaps are)

3 - using materials having recycled content (applies to our packaging policy)

4 - produced locally and with as less ingredients/components as possible.

How should I store my soap ?

Water and soap are best friends under your supervision under the shower... but worse enemies if left together unattended. It is highly recommended to use a soap dish that drains well so to keep the soap dry between uses.
Otherwise your soap will get soaked/soggy and will not be usable so long.

Our soaps last up to 5 weeks for one person taking a shower everyday. It last much more longer if you only use it to wash your hands.


What is the minimum order amount?

No minimum order quantities is required. But here is a little tip: the more the soaps, the less the transportation costs per soap ;)

Shipping costs are :

- 4,95€ within Germany (free shipping from 55€)

- 12,99€ for most Europeans countries (free shipping from 75€)

To which countries do you ship to?

We are currently only shipping in the EU zone (not UK, Switzerland). Cosmetics are strictly regulated articles and we are producing only in limited quantities. With our company size, proving compliance with further areas would be too costly. Delivery by hand possible in Berlin, drop us a message here.

Do you accept returns?

Besides all the care put into our products along their fabrication and the efforts to give you entire satisfaction, we are accepting returns. It is possible to return your complete or partial order within 14 days after you have received the articles. This, at the condition the products have not been used or damaged. Delivery costs are at your charge. Please consult our shipping and return policies for more information.

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