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babassu ?

Babassu​ oil is the ingredient defining the brand and so it deserves a page on its own! It represents a part of 20% to 100% in our selection of oils.

Babassu (Orbignya Oleifera) is a clear light yellow vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the babassu tree (Attalea speciosa) which grows in the Amazon region of South America (The Cerrado). The nuts look like miniature coconuts. 









The people in the Brazilian jungle respectfully call it the “tree of life” and it is for some reasons… The oil from the nuts is used by people as a tasty edible oil or as a beauty product as it keeps the skin supple and known to delay skin ageing. From the white layer that surrounds each core, people in the jungle make flour. The rest of the tree can be up-cycled and turned into everyday life objects such as mats, baskets, roof decking. Alternatively, they can be used as raw material in paper manufacture or high-quality charcoal.

babassu nuts cracked open.jfif
babassu nut production site



We source our unrefined, bio and fair trade oil from BABASSU for YOU, who closely works with a non-profit organization called ASSEMA. They support rural communities and families in the state of Maranhão in Brazil, with a focus on the babassu nut industry. Its mission is to promote sustainable rural development and sustainable production.


They are committed :


  • to improve the quality of life of families living off agriculture and agroextractivism

  • to combat gender and generation inequalities

  • contribute to the production of safe and diversified food

  • generate income through cooperative and associative commercial processes in the fair and solidarity market

  • support contextualized education actions in rural public schools and alternating schools

  • empower subjects to intervene in decision-making spaces for public policies

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